





As we as a nation debate the value of higher education, the sides in the debate have arguments that unfortunately have little to do with the development of young people to become valuable contributions to society. We need to think of higher education as a transformative experience rather than one of simply earning a credential. And for that transformative experience to occur, the connection between faculty and students becomes critical. This series of episodes explores the various ways that connections can be developed.

Episode 1   Episode 2  
Episode 3   Episode 4  
Episode 5   Episode 6  
Episode 7   Episode 8  
Episode 9   Episode 10  
Episode 11   Episode 12  
Episode 13   Episode 14  
Episode 15   Episode 16  
Episode 17   Episode 18  
Episode 19   Episode 20  
Episode 21   Episode 22  
Episode 23   Episode 24  
Episode 25   Episode 26  
Episode 27   Episode 28  
Episode 29   Episode 30