Sharing of Hope

This series of messages focuses on how one person’s hope can become the hopes of others or those of society in general.

    • The Refugee Olympic Team

      The Parade of Nations was about to conclude at the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. The stadium was abuzz as the host team, Brazil, was about to enter. But instead of the host team, ten athletes marched proudly in with a flag displaying the Olympic rings. This was the...

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    • Kindness and Bravery

      Cynthia Bissett was born in Wheeling, WV in 1954. She attended West Virginia University and earned a Master’s degree from George Washington University. She and her husband had two daughters: Stefani and Natali. When her daughter Stefani was in school, she was often...

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    • A Breath of Life

      Paul Alexander was born in 1946 in Texas. When he was six years old, he was stricken with polio. After several months in the hospital, he was sent home. His doctors didn’t feel that he could survive much longer but felt that his last days should be spent with his...

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    • Peer-to-Peer Hope

      Bill Wilson was born in Vermont in 1895. He and his sister were abandoned by their parents when they were young children. He struggled growing up but eventually became captain of his high school football team and principal violinist in the school’s orchestra. When his...

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    • The Flex Foot

      Van Phillips was born in 1954 in Illinois. Growing up in a rural area with few friends living nearby, he spent much of his time in the woods. He loved to create things and his parents were supportive of his desire to explore and create. He went to Arizona State to...

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    • Dreaming About a Beautiful School

      Sylvia Mendez was born in California in 1936. Her father was a Mexican immigrant to the U.S. and her mother came to the U.S. from Puerto Rico. The family was renting a farm in Westminster, CA from a Japanese family that had been relocated to an internment camp during...

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    • A Desk for Every Child

      When Jubulani went to school each day, he tried to do his lessons sitting on the floor because no children in his school had a desk to sit at. He and his classmates weren’t alone. It has been estimated that 95 million children in Sub-Saharan Africa go to schools...

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    • Mary’s Meals

      Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow was born in Aberdeen Scotland in 1968. He began his career as a fish farmer, but it was a scene in the conflict in the former Czechoslovakia that changed his life. He and his brother collected food and other relief supplies and joined a convoy...

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    • Hope on the Battlefield

      World War I was one of the most brutal military encounters in the history of the world. While weapons had advanced, the military strategy hadn’t. Soldiers dug trenches where they would fire at the enemy. Often the trenches were so close that the opposing side could...

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    • Wistful Thinking

      Norman Rockwell was born in 1894 and knew he wanted to be an artist. He never completed high school and opted instead to study at an art school. He received his first commission for his art at the age of 18. His last commissioned artwork was when he was 82. He died 2...

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