Just Imagine
The Just Imagine messages focus on societal issues, and ask readers to consider possibilities for society as it relates to the message theme. The categories in the Just Imagine series include:
These messages ask participants to think through what justice means in different challenging situations.
Equity and Equality
These messages explore issues of equity and equality in situations which add new understanding to what equity and equality mean.
Technology and Democracy
These messages focus on the potential and threats of technology, as it relates to democratic institutions.
Role of Government in Society
These messages focus on the benefits and limits of governmental institutions in supporting the citizenry.
Story Telling and Democracy
These message portray individuals who became role models, paving the way for others.
Icons of Possibilities
These messages portray individuals who became role models, paving the way for others.
Unintended Consequences
These messages provide a perspective on how good intentions can go wrong.
A Forgiving Society
These messages describe situations where those who were wronged were able to forgive others.
A Sharing Society
These messages show how individuals can lead others to become more sharing.
Ground Truth
These messages describe the challenges of knowing what is valid.
Pioneers for Progress
These messages show how individuals led the way for others, and opened up society.
Catalysts for Social Justice
These messages provide portrayals of those who fought to ensure everyone is treated fairly.
Gaining Acceptance
These messages show how the public became uncomfortable with change.
Democracy for All
These messages describe how the concepts of democracy can be shared by those who have not always benefitted.
Impactful Decisions
These messages describe how decisions can have far reaching consequences.
Citizenship Traits
These messages describe what it means to be a citizen, in ways not normally considered.
Making a Difference
These messages describe how the work of individuals made a difference for others.
Coming Together
These messages describe how people with differences can join forces for the common good.
Future of Democracy
These messages discuss forces that are likely to impact democracy as we know it.
Arts and Democracy
These messages show how various creative arts have had an impact on our perspectives of democracy.
Human Potential
These messages focus on individuals who helped pioneer the development of talent in others as well as fully utilizing their own talent.
These messages focus on little known individuals who have impacted our society largely through their own initiatives.
These messages focus on individuals who contributed to society through their innovative talents. They are little known, but their innovations have been major societal advances.
Immigrant Contributions
These messages focus on individuals who came to America and have made major contributions to our society.
Human Behavior
These messages focus on individuals who helped us develop an understanding of how we behave as humans.
The Future
These messages explore what society might look like.
Conflicted Heroes
These messages focus on individuals who made important contributions to our society, but also had personal flaws.
Enabling Others
These messages focus on individuals who have opened the doors for others through the lives that they led.