Sarah’s Diary Episode Thirty-Eight

Jenny was preparing for her final class with mixed emotions. She was delighted by how it went but sad that it was ending. She wondered about the failure of her students. They came to the class needing a history class to fill a general education requirement. But she sensed they had become infected with the innovation virus. Their perspective on their future had changed as they began to think of themselves as potential innovators. She decided to address that change in her final class.

“In his memoirs, Hiram left us with 9 thoughts that he and Mable had developed in raising their children to be innovators. What I’ve done is to put those 9 thoughts on a piece of paper which I hope you will keep with you at all times. I want to explore those 9 thoughts with you today.”

Thought 1:  Use every experience to its fullest extent to develop your creative potential.

“Remember when Elizabeth and Sarah showed Matthew the dogwood tree? That experience helped shape his innovative potential. If such an experience works for a young child, just think what it can do for you. The key is to have time for self-reflection.”

Thought 2:  Look in the shadows. That’s where the new meanings and ideas will be found.

“Throughout Sarah’s diary, there was an emphasis on observation. Every child developed the ability to see the unseen possibilities from the ordinary. Just think of Ben’s discovery of a salve from plants that were everywhere but not seen.”

Thought 3:  Approach each new situation as if no one had ever encountered it before.

“Jacob was lazy, and he used that laziness to develop innovations. He was always looking for ways to do things.”

Thought 4:  Ideas come from a diversity of experience.

“The question hour and the weekly challenges were meant to increase the children’s experiences even though they lived in a very remote area.

Thought 5:  If you don’t believe in it, don’t do it. If you believe in something give it all of your heart.

“You may recall how Mary won the debate competition. She may not have been as skilled as the competition, but she was much more believable.”

Thought 6:  The best ideas often require a risky and boldness to bring to acceptance.

“You may recall how bold Harriett was in getting the Governor to open up higher education access to women.”

Thought 7:  Ideas are threatening to those who don’t want change. Responsibility for change falls on the creator.

“Ben may have been the most creative one of the siblings but not strong in advocating for his ideas. It took his wife to take his ideas forward.”

Thought 8:  The more you share in the success of your idea, the better.

“Harriett’s idea for a seed library would have died if she wasn’t able to get the support of others.”

Thought 9:  Keep the faith in your ideas, your values, and your vision.

“Every one of the children had a strong faith in themselves. They had values that guided them. And their vision was rewarded.”

“I hope that you will look at these thoughts every day and keep in touch. Make Sarah and the rest of the Malcomb family proud.”

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“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” – Maya Angelou (poet)


How To Use

Useful guides for incorporating messages into discussion.