Dominoes Episode Fourty-Seven

Tracie was preparing for her final interview of the original class of interns. This had been a truly enjoyable and enlightening experience. She hoped these interviews would fulfill the original purpose of showing that anyone could make a difference. All of the interns were different in almost every way imaginable, but each of them had fulfilled Charley’s dream.

TracieI’ve asked each of the interns to describe the catalyst for their cause.      Could we begin there with you?

AustinSure. Mine may be different. I think the other catalysts were ones of outrage. Mine was one of joy.

When I was in college, we were encouraged to serve others. I chose to   become a volunteer at a local nursing home. I just loved sitting with the residents and hearing about their lives.

Some of my friends were from the Middle East and asked if they could    join me. At first the nursing home administrator was concerned about    how they would be received, but she agreed to see how the residents would react to my friends.

What a wonderful experience it became. My friends were missing their grandparents and the nursing home residents became surrogate grandparents for them. Also, my friends loved to hear about America’s past.

TracieWhat an inspiring beginning. What do you think made you go from this beginning to where you are today?

AustinFunny you should ask. My college degree became just a credential. My true calling was my cause. Charley always told us we needed to find our why. This has become what drives me.

I want to plant a seed in your mind. Every one of my volunteers has made a difference. The same is true for the volunteers for the other interns. They are all making a difference. Why don’t we capture all of those stories as well? We need to create an awareness that everyone can make a difference. Could you work with me on putting together a proposal to present to our fellow interns on our final day together tomorrow?

TracieWhat a wonderful idea. Yes! Yes! Yes! Let’s do it.

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“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.” – Muhammad Ali

How To Use

Useful guides for incorporating messages into discussion.