Individual Self-Improvement

Individual self-directed improvement is a discipline plan for those who want to address an issue that they face.  Example include:  Making a Difference, Quiet Confidence, A New Breed of Innovation.

Typical Self-Directed Improvement Practices

The practices listed below have been successfully used for by those who want to undertake a self-improvement plan:

  • Start by identifying the improvement you want to make. It’s best if you select an improvement which is fairly general (as with the examples shown above).
  • Identify messages which touch on the improvement area you have selected. See that What Matters messages themes for general categories you may find useful in your search.
  • Each month select a message from your list as an inspiration for the improvement you would like to make for that month.
  • Before you start on your self-improvement, write a prequel story of how you envision the improvement unfolding. This story is designed to envision what improvements you might make.
  • Once the month has ended, revise your prequel story to reflect the reality of the actual improvement.
  • After you have finished your story, reflect on:
    • How the story changed.
    • What did you do better than expected?
    • What did you not do?
    • What changes in your improvement practices would you like to make for the next month’s self-directed improvement?
  • Continue this process each month
    • You may want to refocus your improvement.
    • Include any changes in your self-directed improvement practices in your prequel story.