Charley’s World

Charley faced an unbearable tragedy and was deeply depressed. It was a young girl coming to his door that changed Charley and led him on a path to create a learning community. Charley’s World is a story of how one person can transform an entire community. It’s a lesson of how each of us can make a difference.

Episode 1 – Tragedy Strikes Charley   Episode  – A Fateful Visit  
Episode 3 – Turning Fate Into an Opportunity   Episode 4 – The Beginning of a Learning Community  
Episode 5 – The Next Domino in the Learning Community   Episode 6 – Coaching the Coach  
Episode 7 – Inspiring Successes/New Opportunities   Episode 8 – The Joy of Learning?  
Episode 9 – An Infrastructure for a Learning Community   Episode 10 – Discovering the Learning Excitement Button  
Episode 11 – Connecting Learning with Living   Episode 12 – What’s Next?  
Episode 13 – Learning and Self Image   Episode 14 – Learners Becoming Teachers  
Episode 15 – Talent Discovery and Nurturing   Episode 16 – Learning and One’s Outlook on Life  
Episode 17 – Learning and Life Reflections   Episode 18 – A Life Changing Moment – I  
Episode 19 – A Life Changing Moment – II   Episode 20 – Learning Connections  
Episode 21 – Making Learning Personal   Episode 22 – Understanding the Learner  
Episode 23 – Discovering a Talent   Episode 24 – Healthy Learning  
Episode 25 – Motivation for Learning   Episode 26 – Adapting Learning to the Learner  
Episode 27 – Learning to Live a Joyful Life   Episode 28 – Learning to be Reflective  
Episode 29 – Learning and Democracy   Episode 30 – Learning and Community  
Episode 31 – The Intangibles of Learning   Episode 32 – Learning and Self-Esteem  
Episode 33 – Learning to Become a New Person   Episode 34 – Learning and Faith  
Episode 35 – Learning as a Gateway for the Future   Episode 36 – Commencement