Dominoes Episode Thirty-One

Charley wanted to engage the interns in the process of expanding the believer’s network. He had a deep concern that their natural inclination would be to approach this effort like they had accumulated followers on social media.

“I want to share with you some basic thoughts on the development of a believer’s network. First, think of the beliefs you want to be represented in your cause. You will want people who are comfortable with those beliefs. I would like each of you to think of those beliefs before we meet again.”

“Finding those who will join you in your cause is not something you can recruit for. Your believer’s network will grow naturally without planning. You will find people coming to your cause, not through some organized approach but through a personal calling they have. All social movements have grown this way. Those who you are friends with now are not likely to be members of your believer’s network. They will still be your friends, but they may not have the passion for your cause.”

“Once you have identified people to join your cause, you need to help them find the best way they can help. Some may be happy playing a support role without being at the forefront of the cause. Others may want a more visible role. Whatever their role may be, you want to give them a voice in the cause. They need to be engaged with your leadership team in suggesting actions.”

“There have been a series of short-lived causes which never achieved what they set out to do. One reason for this is that the believer’s lose interest. It’s a fact of life that few of us have sustained interests. To keep your believers engaged, you need to continuously reinvigorate your cause with new initiatives. Many of these initiatives should come from the believers themselves.”

“I know I’ve done most of the talking today. What I want you to do before we get together again is three things:

  • What are the core beliefs that are the core of your cause?
  • What role do you see for yourself in developing the believer’s network: charismatic leader, strategist, or organizer?
  • What personal challenges do you see in building your believer’s network?”

 Charley could tell from looking at the faces of the interns that this was going to be a challenging assignment. With their experience on social media, interns had a false sense of what a believer was. Likes and shares don’t translate to true believers. He hoped he had made that point.

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“It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.” – Muhammed Ali

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