Dominoes Episode Twenty

“This afternoon”, Charley began, “I want you to discover the traits you will need for developing those who will join you in your cause. I want to warn you that personality has nothing to do with this. If your personality leans toward being an introvert, that doesn’t say you are going to struggle with being an introvert in recruiting others.”

The interns set about this task very quickly. It seemed as if they had already thought about these traits as they thought about the traits of those they wanted to enlist in their cause.

When Charley asked for their traits, he was disappointed that only two traits emerged: leadership and inspirational. “I’m sorry”, Charley said, “but these aren’t very helpful. Take a look at leadership. What type of leader develops those who want to sign on to a cause? Certainly just being powerful isn’t something you would value.”

The interns thought about this and came up with leadership traits that they would look for. They coalesced around a few that were distinctive from those they had previously developed. These included:

  • Collaborative                     • Self awareness
  • Generosity of Spirit          • Dedicated

These four traits were thought to belong in the category of being both skills and aptitudes.

Next, Charley asked what traits would inspire them to join on to a cause. There was a lot of discussion around authenticity, and why charisma doesn’t inspire unless a person is genuine. Much of the inspiration would come from the same traits as those for story framing. The new traits that were added included:

  • Doggedness                • Hands-on
  • Values focused           • Commitment

Each of these traits were considered to be more aptitudes than skills. As Charley was thinking ahead to how to develop these, he began to wonder how the interns would assess themselves with regard to these traits. With just one phase left in the difference making process remaining, he needed to think about this assessment quickly.

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“To lead people, walk beside them.” – Lao Tzu (Philosopher)

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Useful guides for incorporating messages into discussion.