Memories of Awe Episode 41

Liz knew that this day was coming, but she regretted it. It would be her last interview with Professor McKown. His memories had changed her as a person. She had begun to see moral beauty in people who would have been invisible to her before. She was inspired to work through challenges and not give up. She had forsaken her grievance mindset from the past, and she hoped that others would see moral beauty in her.

LJI hope you have saved a special story for me today for our last interview.

KMcK:  I hope so. It’s kind of a composite of many stories I’ve shared with you. Patsy had only one person who believed in her. And her grandfather died while she was in college. She was left adrift and needed a believer.

LJ: I know that you became that person.

KMcK:  I did. I saw something in her that others didn’t. There was resilience, a spirit, and a joy in spite of all things that life had dealt her. She was not a whiner. She didn’t blame others for her struggles. She wanted to do better every day.

LJ: You are right. She does sound like many of your other stories. So why save this one for the end?

KMcK:  I need to tell you part of my own story first. After my 51st year of teaching, I was diagnosed with cancer. I had hoped to return to teaching, but after chemotherapy, radiation, and two surgeries, I realized that I had to retire.

Even though I retired I continued to teach two online courses throughout my cancer treatment. In fact, I’m still teaching today, my 55th year. I can only teach online now.

When I retired, my current and former students compiled a memory book for me filled with memories of our time together. That was the best gift I’ve ever received. So many fond memories, but Patsy’s was the one that meant the most to me. Here I’ll show it to you.


You believed in me when no one else did.

You inspired me when no one else could.

You listened to me when I needed advice.

You gave me hope when it was lost.

You made me refuse to give up.

Thank you.

Now I need you to promise to never give up. Never quit fighting. You can beat this.

* * *

“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.”– Dr. Seuss

How To Use

Useful guides for incorporating messages into discussion.