Connections – Episode 23

One thing that Jodie discovered from the memories was how important it was for students to have a realistic career goal. Her professor helped students make connections to internships. And those internships helped make them more serious about their classes. This memory was one of many like it, where the process of finding a career direction led to improved academic success.

I remember my first day of college. You were my professor in my favorite class of the semester. You offered a welcoming and positive energy to the classroom.

You helped me set up an interview to get a current internship at a metals company. In turn, this helped me determine my strength point was in sales. You kept in touch with me throughout my whole internship and pointed out what I needed to do to have a successful sales career.

At the end of my junior year, I got an email from the college that made my heart stop. It was an academic warning, and I was about to be kicked out of the university if I did not make some serious changes to improve my GPA. You helped me find out exactly which classes to take during the summer and what grades I needed in both of them to lift the warning. Thanks to you, I got the grades I needed in both classes.

You gave me access to the extra desk in your office for the entire summer to work on my summer classes and internship project. Working next to someone with such a strong work ethic and determination to help others really rubbed off on me. Anytime I had a question, you made time in your busy schedule to give me guidance. I believe working in your office that summer granted me the opportunity to thrive and improve my study habits.           

Keith – Class of 2007


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